Sunday, January 27, 2008

Evaluating Advantages of Test Driven Development

One of the assignments of my graduation course COMP610 - Selected Topics in Software Engineering is to present a research paper on a topic covered during this course. One of the topics that I find interesting is Test Driven Development. I decided to present the following article:

Evaluating Advantages of Test Driven Development: A Controlled Experiment with Professionals

This is the first time I create a Webcast. I used CamStudio to record the presentation, which records it into AVI files. I used Windows Movie Maker to do some editing in the presentation. I am not sure if there is a better tool for that, but it worked. The output file was a WMV of 33 MB. If no editing was necessary, I could just convert the original AVI to the flash format before uploading. One tool to make this conversion is Free FLV Converter 2.3.

The presentation is only 20 minutes long, but it took a while for me to get it done. Well, now it is over and you can see it at SCIS Streaming Video Site. Enjoy it!

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